Skin & Hair

Customized Facials

Every guest is unique and needs a tailored skincare plan to fit their individual needs. We have two customized facials where we review your skin, address your concerns and create a comprehensive home regimen using products from our favorite skincare lines.

  • Deep cleanse, exfoliate, extract and hydrate. Designed to address your specific skin care needs, this facial will refresh your skin leaving you with a beautiful glow. This Signature Facial will help with texture, tone and will nourish your skin while helping you relax with a neck and décolleté massage

  • Deep cleanse, exfoliate, extract and hydrate. Designed to address your specific skin care needs, this facial will refresh your skin leaving you with a beautiful glow. This Deluxe Facial will help with texture, tone and will nourish your skin while helping you relax with face, neck and décolleté massage and light scalp massage. Cryotherapy and a lipid serum mask calms inflammation and boost hydration in the skin.

  • Removes the topmost layer of dead skin and vellus hair (peach fuzz) from the face and upper neck giving you soft and smooth skin. Relax under our anti-aging red light therapy with a scalp massage followed by customized serums and cryotherapy for glowy skin.

  • Designed for those who have problematic skin and needs extractions. Our acne specialist will take a holistic approach by analyzing your skin, discussing your diet and lifestyle. We will work on the clearing your skin while providing recommendations for skincare and healthy habits.

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  • A facial device that combines an aqua-delivery system, skin revitalizing solutions made by AnteAGE, and hydrogen therapy for a multi-dimensional skincare treatment. Serums are driven into your pores using microcurrents and topped off with a lymphatic massage.

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  • Everything included from the regular Skinwave, and adds on dermaplaning, light scalp massage and cryotherapy.

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Lasers for treating multiple concerns such as hair removal, pigmentation, fine lines, and texture.

  • A fractionated ablative CO2 laser without the downtime of traditional lasers

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  • A multi-purpose laser to target unwanted pigmentation, provide overall skin rejuvenation, and removes tattoos.

  • Done using the Elite IQ, laser machine that is safe for use on all skin types. If you’re tired of waxing and shaving, laser hair removal will be a convenient option for you.

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Microneedling stimulates production of your body’s own collagen and elastin to increase dermal thickness and helps with fine lines, texture, and laxity.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a form of skin resurfacing by done by using chemical solutions to remove the outer layers. They greatly improve acne, fine lines, tone and texture.

  • A mid-depth chemical peel that’s great for your first time or maintenance peel. Addresses early signs of aging, uneven tone and rough texture.

    Downtime: 1 week

    Recommended Treatments: 1

  • A mid-depth chemical peel that improves fine lines, skin discoloration from sun damage or melasma.

    Downtime: 1 week

    Recommended treatments: 3-6

  • A mid-depth chemical peel that addresses acne and acne scarring. Helps to control active acne, hormonal acne, adult acne and excessive oil.

    Downtime: 1 week

    Recommended treatments: 3-6

  • A chemical peel without the peeling. Addresses acne, melasma, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring. BioRePeel treats almost every skin condition. As well, it is suitable for use with ALL skin types. BioRePeel stimulates fibroblast activity which in turn assists with a significant improvement in collagen and elastin production, resulting in a tightening and firming of the skin

    Downtime: None

Thinning Hair

Both men and women experience thinning hair by age 40. There are multiple options to increase hair growth including microneedling, home care, and growth factors. We use AnteAGE hair, the most advanced non-invasive treatment for hair growth.

  • It contains twelve bio-identical growth factors and cytokines, each with proven efficacy in hair follicle stimulation, making it the most scientifically advanced product available. It is also the only product that is focused on hair growth (Wnt-1a pathway) .

  • Our treatment plan includes 4 in office treatments spaced one month apart. The treatment uses AnteAGE’s hair growth factor solution paired with red light therapy. The AnteAGE home care kit is included as home care.

    Once significant regrowth is seen, additional treatments can be spaced 3-6 months apart or as needed.

  • The androgen receptor activity which causes hair loss is inhibited while enhancing cellular signaling in the hair growth pathway.

    It also speeds the conversion of hair growth from telogen to anagen (the “growth cycle”)

Stretch marks

This is similar to medical needling and is controlled trauma to stretch marks and scars to initiate restructuring and repair of the skin. Please note that it is not possible to completely remove stretch marks or scars, but it is possible to greatly improve the color, depth, and texture. Red light therapy is added to increase circulation and accelerate skin healing.

  • Growth factor serum and red light therapy are used to improve and accelerate healing.

  • Sessions are spaced 8 weeks apart to allow for complete healing and regeneration of the skin.

  • Pregnant women, those with chronic skin conditions in affected area, those that are prone to keloids.

  • The results are permanent and can be performed on both new and old stretch marks or scars

Just for you.